In weekend, I went to Mi Pu conservation center. Mi Pu, in Hongkong, is right in the opposite of Shenzhen Bay, having the sea in between. Thus, it could be expected that the two places are having similar ecology and similar species. However, after visiting Mi Pu, I saw a huge difference.
Last time going to Mi Pu was years ago, so this time the experience is refreshing. With my high expectations of watching blackface spoonbill, I stayed inside Mi Pu for 4 hours. During the process, I saw lots of rare and interesting animals.
Burmese Python

Oriental White Stork

Collared Crow

White Egret with breeding feathers (green-blue strip on the neck)

Blackface Spoonbill

These pictures could demonstrate a tiny bit of the propserity of wild animals in Mi Pu, and, speciewise, being way more prosper than Shenzhen Bay, which is just a shallow sea apart from Mi Pu. From my perspective, such distinction is very worth considering, about why similar environments show such a great distinction.